We taste up to 800 wines every week at the moment, and we compile our findings into a Weekly Tasting Report. We don’t think any other wine media organization is publishing so many new tasting notes so quickly. Many of the ratings we publish are for wines tasted just the previous day! And because so many of the wines we taste are the latest releases, often not yet available in the market, this ensures that all Premium Subscribers of JamesSuckling.com (who get access to the latest wine scores and tastings notes) are among the first to learn about the newest wines.
We are now also collating all the ratings published in a month in one large single report for your convenience, too. You can read about the wines below, and subscribers can access the scores and tasting notes in the ratings list at the bottom of this article.
We published 1,762 wine ratings in December, from 19 countries. Here’s how the tastings broke down (you can click “sort by” in the notes search engine below to search by each individual country): Argentina: 1; Australia: 97; Austria: 17; Brazil: 1; Chile: 4; China: 51; France: 667; Germany: 74; Hungary: 2; Italy: 239; Lebanon: 1; New Zealand: 20; Peru: 6; Portugal: 19; South Africa: 395; Spain: 21; Switzerland: 2; United States.: 143; Uruguay: 2.